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I think that there was kind of “shoddy journalism” done in a way on PNAC, I’m just learning. Dick Cheney actually only signed the “Statement of Principles” of that group. It was a document called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” that had the Pearl Harbor reference.

I’ve seen extensive PNAC signatory lists such as this one. And although, I’m not sure how many “official documents” or whatever that PNAC produced, whenever I saw someone called a signatory connected with PNAC I thought that it referred to the much ballyhooed/oft-trumpeted Pearl Harbor document. It seems a very broad brush was commonly used, however, to call someone a PNAC signatory, which actually meant someone who ever signed anything that PNAC produced.

Moreover, I cannot find anything that Chuck Schumer signed myself, which the hyperlink I provided above, as aforementioned, is an example of an extensive list of signatories (that has Chuck Schumer’s name). And so, it would seem that some names that were out there — and connected with the PNAC vile/repulsive neconservative group — may have even been wrongly targeted with that sordid charge. Right Web has 16 documents of PNAC’s that even some Democrats and nominal liberals have signed — and Chuck Schumer’s name does not appear.

The names that did sign the “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” are not kind of the “rock stars” of evil, and most notorious/dishonest/disagreeable/infamous individuals that were/have ever been affiliated with that sordid crowd (although Scooter Libby, Kristol, the Kagans, Dov Zakheim and Paul Wolfowitz are there). Whatever one makes of all/any of this here is nevertheless and notwithstanding the actual, total, full and complete list of all of those who rather ignominiously signed: Roger Barnett, Alvin Bernstein, Stephen Cambone, Eliot Cohen, Devon Gaffney Cross, David Epstein, Dan Goure, Donald Kagan, Fred Kagan, Robert Kagan, Robert Killebrew, William Kristol, Mark Lagon, James Lasswell, I. Lewis Libby, Robert Martinage, Phil Meilinger, Mackubin Owens, Steve Rosen, Gary Schmitt, Abram Shulsky, Michael Vickers, Barry Watts, Paul Wolfowitz, and Dov Zakheim.

Hopefully Yoda’s, Andrew Marshall of the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment (ONA), going to have to abscond to a dank cave in the swampy environs of a far away and remote planet! Apparently, Rumsfeld really dug that last AirSea Battle prognostication though!

For those who may not be up on all of the neocon uber-hawk/warmonger scuttlebutt, Yoda’s just this old/antediluvian cold warrior cum neocon creature — whose department funding is under fire. Rummy says this kind of Strangelovian stuff, in today’s world, is still a total and absolute necessity! Yoda probably schooled Rummy, back in the day, in the dark arts (or the force lol, if you like) of warnikism! So Rummy’s word is about as good as a slug on this, I’d say. Not that his word is gold on most — if any — substantive stuff, nevertheless anyway.

The neoncon’s favorite general looks like he landed himself, in his post-Broadwell life, a plum job. The bloom is off the rose on this guy’s “family values” Republican credentials. Not that “family values” Republicans ever had any kind of ethics when it comes to that or anything else! Anways, why doesn’t he go to Harvard or Yale for a cush job like this!!? To rip off the CUNY system in this way, is simply incredible in the treachery (and no other way to put it immorality) of it all!

The old boys’/insiders’ network should be able to land him this type of plum job at a university for the wealthy and the affluent like Harvard (or some such) — with a gargantuan tuition — and a massive endowment! The immorality of people who will loot government entities designed to serve middle class — as well as folks with less means, has always astounded/astonished me! The perfidy and absolute villainy of such people absolutely beggars belief! Then again, when it comes to the neocons’ favorite general, is there any sort of malignancy or unscrupulousness; that one could commit, that should be virtually impossible to believe!

“Liberal” Democrats seem to have gone the way of these so-called humanitarian interventions that Cass Sunstein’s wife specializes in. Also Mali and Syria are in line with current “liberal” foreign policy thinking, methinks. We are more active in Syria, but we are providing some support for the French in Mali. Syria has turned into a proxy war, Obamabots don’t seem to be too concerned about non-fullscale war — they seem to still think Barry is a pacific guy. As we all know even a Nobel Peace prize winner! Ewwww!

Syria was slated to be a “humanitarian intervention” but Russia and China held strong — consistently vetoing a no fly zone — and didn’t get manipulated like they were in Libya. So it’s become like a proxy war there, and so as I said; apparently, they’re ok for “liberal” Dems too. Of course, there has always been a strong dove grouping in liberalism, like some conservatives argue that there is a non-interventionist/isolationist strain in the history of conservatism as well. It seems to me that the neocons just want to use the big stick — they have little interest in speaking softly — as often as this nation can. Often for/in the national interest of Israel too.

It is interesting though that neocons have also been accused of being Wilsonians. Paleoconservatives for one, find them foreign to conservatism, and think it is Woodrow Wilson’s international worldview that they follow. Now we’ve really mixed the stew today of all the people, that have influenced this vile/unsavory group of individuals. And by that I mean “liberal” Democrats and neoconservatives. Did I miss anyone?

Good ole Hitch is gone, once one of the most prescient and incisive critics of American imperialism — he cheerled for it — during the abominable administration of George W. Bush. Still a record as impressive as his should not be eviscerated, by one conspicuously and egregiously recognizable mistake. Estimates as high as a million dead, have been recorded, though, and he put himself in league with some very dark-hearted and malignant folks.

And, indeed, one wonders about this so-called war against Islamofascism, and how much of it is legitimate — and how much of it, is just for kindling for the MIC! And also, of course, how much of it, is just for scaring the shit out of folks! Enemies don’t just appear from the firmament, they (typically) have to be prefabricated, trumped up and/or invented out of whole cloth! But, then again, you’d probably consider this the kind of thinking that earned — your former examplar — the “dignified” and “distinguished” title of crackpot!

But, nevertheless, be sure and rest in peace Hitch, though if God exists — he or she will surely — be pissed as hell at ‘cha! Writing nasty screeds, and tomes against the one and the creator, will certainly not put one in the divinity’s best grace(s)! Agnosticism, I think, personally, is better fitting, for us meager souls down here on Earth — but you, certainly, said your peace! The only thing that we know, for sure, is that you’re either rotting, or in some form of acute metaphysical reeducation/concentration camp.

As I said one mistake (even if a million dead), and one egregious insult to a very respected, eminent, and learned man of letters, should be enough for you to make it to at least purgatory; but who am I to be a seer (or knower) of such meaningful and purposeful thoughts! Though, IMO neither science nor religion explains — this nutty multiverse — in which we all reside in! The golden rule seems to be just about the only thing, that suffices as a preeminent guideline. A guideline that you just didn’t follow IMO Hitch.

Though, you may have been gifted and talented, on so many levels Hitch, it’s just a shame that you didn’t put some investment into the perennial philosophy. This would have included the aforementioned golden lesson, of course — which would have precluded wars of choice, preemptive war, and wars of aggression btw. Maybe then some of those estimated liquidated, eviscerated and dead (in Iraq), would be left alive and well — and six feet above the Earth — instead of under it today!
