I’ve been reading the “deeply dark and sinister” Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Whatever one thinks about this document, I personally believe that he or she should read it. In my opinion, it talks about some things in government/statecraft that are still in use by the PTB, some things that probably were in use; and have now become antiquated, and some things that I think never were put into use at all, at least so far as I can tell.

And so, in a way it kind of reminds me of a critique that I once heard about astrology. That the basic outlines are kind of written intentionally to apply to a whole swathe of people (far more than one specific or particular astrological sign). I must say I’m really ignorant about it’s use and abuse in history… Of course, its intent was to gin up hatred and anti-Semitism toward the Jews. But just by the conflicting logic of the multiplicity of points that it brings up/raises, I don’t see how it could be anything other than a hoax, which is what MSM sources — if they can be believed — have always said that it was, anyway.