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During your questioning of the independent thinker who should become our next Secretary of Defense, a man who is not a surrogate of the Israel lobby; like yourself and most of your colleagues, you mentioned chemical weapons and Syria. I want you to know that the so-called Free Syrian Army is a real threat with chemical weapons too. They have been backed by our disreputable allies like Saudi Arabia and Qatar that are Wahhabi states that repress women, have terrible civil liberties, and no democratic rights whatsoever for their people. They are antediluvian states that are ripe for Arab Springs, and having genuine democracy sprout up in them. Saudi Arabia has invaded neighboring Bahrain, and continually worked to repress a grassroots democratic movement/revolution there.

Syria is undeniably authoritarian, but it is a complex society, with many sects that are protected much better under the Arab nationalist Assad government — than they would be under a Salafi/Muslim Brotherhood Islamic fascist potential successor state. Such as that of Mohamed Morsi’s Egypt (where virtually all of the Coptic Christians have resigned from his ranks). I have great fear for the Alawites, the Druze and the Christians of Syria: the Melkites, Syriacs, Maronites, Chaldeans and other groups. Should these Salafi and Wahhabi killers backed by retrograde American-allied states gain in their power. Laurent Fabus, the French Foreign Minister, has said, “We cannot let a revolution that started as a peaceful and democratic protest degenerate into a conflict of militias.”

The best answer is to urge KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) and Qatar to stop their destabilization. A non-violent political solution that can assure that Sunni Islamic fundamentalists do not come to power is the only way in Syria. The Syriacs/Arameans — who speak Aramaic the language that Jesus Christ spoke — want a dialogue among all of the groups with no preconditions; they want a ceasefire; they want the stopping of the importation of all foreign weapons; they want an abeyance of the economic sanctions; and they want an ending to the recruitment of foreign fighters into their land. Moaz al-Khatib, who leads the Syrian National Coalition, the group of exiles who support armed intervention against the Syrian government, and who are backed by the Western and Gulf Arab countries, now advocates talks with Bashar al-Assad’s people. Several civic groups that reject the armed struggle, and oppose foreign military intervention — also favor a ceasefire, and a negotiated solution along the lines that Lakdar Brahimi could foreseeably shape.

We need to call off our running dogs (Turkey too has been in this sordid mix as well); let clearer heads prevail, and not simply rush to expel a regime that is independent of us — that we might not like 100%. We may not like that our corporations, and other Western nations’ corporations do not have free rein there, that we do not string-pull their political leadership, and that Syria has been an ally of Iran and Hezbollah; however, in terms of human rights, it is imperative that Sunni fundamentalists, do not take over power in Syria. Instead of shortsighted geopolitical goals and the national interest of Israel, we have to work for a broad-minded political solution in Syria.

p.s. The center-right paper of Turkey, Today’s Zaman, has reported that the political adviser to the so-called Free Syrian Army recently claimed that his group is capable of putting together the components of chemical weapons. Bassam al-Dada has said that the so-called Free Syrian Army has the raw materials to do it, as well as to use them.

Only the most extreme Likudnik could regard Chuck Hagel as anything but a rock-solid, and implacable friend of Israel. Except for the fact of his saying, at one time, that he was a Senator from the United States of America, and not the state of Israel — that has obviously been questioned. And so, for that “egregious” and “insurmountable sin/error” he is being driven through the coals. No doubt, that brownie points will be earned for those who go the furthest — in gumming up the works for the Defense Secretary nomination — with extensive senatorial anachronistic/byzantine/archaic, and furthermore small-minded maneuvering.

Why Obama, who is as much a tool of the lobby as anyone, has nominated Hagel is an absolute mystery. Hagel may be about as good a friend to Israel as anyone, but he is; of course, not being perceived in many corners that way. So there seems to be some risk for the congenitally/serially timid Obama, in offering up Hagel as his Secretary of Defense nominee. Perhaps Obama is retaliating against Bibi Netanyahu (for his support of Romney in the presidential campaign), this is unlike Obama; however, who typically has no chutzpah, stick-to-itiveness, courage, mettle, wherewithal or spine though. Obama’s modus operandi rather is to typically “lead” from the rear. Better off not to get his hands dirty, apparently, or at least wait until the last minute, to engage in such “burdensome deeds”.

What happens to those who do not show the requisite fealty to the state of Israel (and the Israel lobby), has been well documented by the former Congresswoman from Georgia Cynthia McKinney. Redistricting, via the assistance of the ostensibly civil rights Anti-Defamation League, was a tool used in dislodging the venerable Congresswoman; cancelling fundraisers that the lobby would have conducted on her behalf; and smearing her as palling around with “fringe” Jewish elements — all coalesced in her disreputable ouster. These tribulations were leveled upon her for failing to sign a pledge in support of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital (which is illegal under international law), vowing to vote in favor of the United States ensuring Israeli military superiority over its neighboring adversaries, and agreeing to consistently vote in support of the economic aid that Israel deigns. According to McKinney the pledge has since been replaced by a written paragraph — from all congressmembers and senators — that is analogous to the aforementioned (now retired) one.

The exceptional Congresswoman was succeeded by a rather erudite man who thinks that islands can capsize — owing to their overpopulation! But undoubtedly, he duly states his morning oath to the Israeli lobby every day! In other words, what stands in for free, and/or critical thinking when it comes to the “special relationship” between the United States of America, and its “indispensable ally” the state of Israel. This would appear to be a privileged issue over education, war, peace, the general welfare, the overly extensive “defense”/military budget, massive corporate tax evasion, the wealthy paying their fair share, the continued lack of universal health care in America (which Obamacare won’t change), the seemingly ever-growing inequality in America today, and the evisceration of private sector unionization concomitantly with that of the American manufacturing base. Additionally, any number of other issues could be named of which the alleged special relationship, seems to be a burning priority over them.

Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has said, “America and the Constitution will be safe the day Cynthia McKinney or a similar person is president of the United States. Until then, we are in great peril.” Chuck Hagel is certainly far-flung from the character of a leader like Cynthia McKinney (and he is of course not being considered for president), but among the atrophied minds of the moribund and ossified career politicians in Washington, he may be a cut above — the garden variety individual — among that sordid breed! For not accepting some of the bromides, and imposed articles of faith of our “utmost” politicians in Washington he appears to undergoing a certain kind of crucifixion! The irony should not be lost that he is experiencing this exceedingly astringent thrashing; coincidentally, by many of the same people, who claim to be devout and pious adherents of Jesus of Nazareth.

My jury is still out about Chuck Hagel, I am certain that he is not a panacea — a salve, however, he might be. The devolved, retrograde, stolid and imperceptive minds of many of the Israel Firsters that overwhelmingly populate the United States Congress undeniably cannot see things this way. And so for that they will make an example out of the former Nebraska Senator! He will eventually be confirmed in my opinion, though, but the dark hearts that are allied against him, will defend the foreign diktats that they adhere to with immense glee! They will go down shrilly; for certainly, but it looks like — when it is all sown up — they will go down (accordingly) inelegantly too.
