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This will be a great clip for future generations to be aghast, at the kind of thuggery that once held power in this country:

Just throwing something out there. But it looks like the Republicans aren’t  going to support the bailout. This would be a genius move by Republicans. There’s immense populist sentiment on both the right and left (and even the middle) opposing the bailout.

In my opinion, if this is the way things play out, McCain is going to have huge support among working and middle class people throughout the country. It’s not clear to me that this is going to be enough to win the election, but it seems like this is the Republican plan.

John McCain caught again, and again, and again, and again; on video spouting deception and lies.

Another must see video, McCain made a nasty comment about his wife, and the MSM barely reported it.

John McCain, a man who has presented his campaign as a ‘straight talk express’, once said, “Do I insult anybody or fly off the handle or anything like that? No, I don’t”. McCain has also said (about accusations that he has a hair trigger temper), “For someone to say that McCain became just angry and yelled or raised my voice or — it’s just not true. It’s simply not true.” McCain has further commented on this, “And so, those rumors continue to circulate about – quote – temper. They’re going to have to find some concrete examples of it, and they aren’t there.” John McCain’s campaign manager, Rick Davis, has defended McCain against allegations that he has a serious temper problem. Davis went on the record about this matter, stating, “Everyone has a temper . . . but there has been no evidence of a temper problem here.”

One man who might disagree with McCain and his campaign manager, Davis, is NASA administrator Daniel Goldin; Goldin met with McCain back in 1999 regarding a probe that had crash landed on Mars. A witness who was present at that meeting later recounted that encounter, “McCain went ballistic the moment Goldin walked into McCain’s office.” The observer added, “He was shouting and using profanity, saying he was sick of NASA’s screw-ups. It went on for a few minutes and then he kicked Goldin out of the office.”

This incident was not an isolated incident, it was not a one shot occurrence, many more violent outbursts (some physical) have vexed Mr. McCain’s long and ‘distinguished’ days serving in the U.S. Senate. For example, McCain was in a meeting of a committee investigating Vietnam War prisoners and soldiers missing in action, when he became angry in the meeting and insulted Senator Charles E. Grassley Republican of Iowa, using an expletive to describe the Senator. There was a shouting match and shoving between the two Senators, and Nebraska Democrat Bob Kerry had to step in, and separate the men.

Mississippi Republican Senator Thad Cochran has said he witnessed McCain get physical with a Sandinista during a diplomatic mission the two attended in the fall of ’87. Cochran described the scene as one with a tense atmosphere, and where the U.S. was pressing the Nicaraguan Sandinistas “pretty hard”. At this meeting Cochran observed a physical altercation between McCain and an associate of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega. Cochran later recounted the incident to a journalist, “McCain was down at the end of the table and we were talking to the head of the guerilla group here at this end of the table and I don’t know what attracted my attention,” said Cochran. “But I saw some kind of quick movement at the bottom of the table and I looked down there and John had reached over and grabbed this guy by the shirt collar and had snatched him up like he was throwing him up out of the chair to tell him what he thought about him or whatever. I don’t know what he was telling him but I thought, good grief, everybody around here has got guns and we were there on a diplomatic mission. I don’t know what had happened to provoke John but he obviously got mad at the guy and he just reached over there and snatched him.”

Nearly anyone familiar, to the slightest degree, with John McCain’s temper knows about an incident that occurred between McCain and two Phoenix area doctors. The environmentalist physicians simply went to McCain’s office to discuss a planned University of Arizona project to install telescopes in a region that contained 18 different endangered plants and animal species. The doctors say no sooner did they start to address the issue, then McCain blew up, and acted out of control. They say they observed Senator McCain, slam his fists on his desk, scatter papers all across the room, scream obscenities at them (for at least ten minutes), and shake his fists at them as if he were going to slug one of them. One of the doctors was so rattled by the incident, he commented afterward, “McCain’s the most likely senator to start a nuclear war.”

This hadn’t been the first time someone had contested whether or not John McCain had the mental make-up to take on the responsibilities of the role of commander in chief. McCain had disturbed quite a few of his fellow politicians to the point of where they openly stated, that McCain was not a man who should ever take on that critical role. One such leader was fellow Arizona Senator Dennis DeConcini (a Democrat) who said about John McCain; that he wouldn’t support him for president “under any circumstances”, based upon concerns about his mental health. According to DeConcini, “McCain’s problem was that, if he didn’t get his way, he’d go through the roof.” DeConcini further elaborated about this, “I witnessed it. It’s something that McCain has got to live with and tries to deal with.” On the other side of the aisle, Senator Thad Cochran, made an unfortunate (he is a Republican) headline catching statement about his colleague John McCain, “The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine.”

In 1999 the Arizona Republic editorialized, “If McCain is truly a serious contender for the presidency, it is time the rest of the nation learned about the John McCain we know in Arizona. There is also reason to seriously question whether he has the temperament, and the political approach and skills, we want in the next president of the United States.” In the year 2000 McCain said, while embroiled in an argument with New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici, “Only an a—— would put together a budget like this.” The Republican Domenici later reacted to that incident, “I decided I didn’t want this guy anywhere near a trigger.” Former Rep. John LeBoutillier Republican from NY, has observed about McCain, “People who disagree with him get the (expletive). I think he is mentally unstable and not fit to be president.” Former Democratic Mayor of Phoenix, Paul Johnson, has said about his dealings with John McCain, “His volatility borders in the area of being unstable,” Johnson went on, “Before I let this guy put his finger on the button, I would have to give considerable pause.”

Stephen Wayne, a political scientist at Georgetown University, who studies personalities of presidential candidates, says that McCain’s temperament is a real concern, “The anger is there.” Wayne went on to clarify his position, if McCain is going to be the one answering the 3 a.m. phone, “you worry about an initial emotive, less rational response.” And is it is that emotional, less rational response that should worry the American voters, come this November. They, the American voters, will have to make a critical decision, as to whether or not they want someone such as Mr. McCain to answer that 3 a.m. phone call. If the American people weigh all their options; and still decide to put the alter ego Mr. McCain in position to press that proverbial nuclear button, well then, may God’s grace be upon them for the unfortunate days that lie ahead.

John McCain has described the essence of his foreign policy thinking in this way, “I am an idealist, and I believe it is possible in our time to make the world we live in another, better, more peaceful place, where our interests and those of our allies are more secure, and American ideals that are transforming the world, the principles of free people and free markets, advance even farther than they have.” Three of his top foreign policy advisers are Randy Scheunemann, Robert Kagan, and William Kristol, they are all also project directors for the Project for the New American Century, a group formed when President Clinton was in the White House around what many foreign policy experts say are neoconservative ideals. McCain has a plan for a “League of Democracies,” which is envisioned as a group of similar minded nations that would act outside of the United Nations against threats to international security, and it is seen as agreeable with neoconservative ambitions. It is more or less a means to supersede the United Nations, when the United States chooses to do so, so as to have a veil of ‘international approval’ for a proposed intervention.

Douglas C. Foyle, a professor of government at Wesleyan University, calls a speech McCain made in Los Angeles a re-imagining of McCain’s deeply held neoconservative beliefs, “He’s talking about idealism with realistic tendencies but he’s still talking about God and destiny for the United States, which is very neoconservative.” So we see in McCain’s foreign policy thinking a serious messianic streak, a tendency that would have him going around the world and supplanting tyranny by replacing it with U.S. client regimes. McCain has also referred to his own foreign policy as a departure from Bush’s approach, but so far we’re getting a picture that is not very dissimilar to George W. Bush’s foreign policy M.O.

In the summer of 2002, Policy Review published an article by Robert Kagan where he spoke of a fundamental parting of ways between Europe and the U.S. Kagan wrote that a decrease in European military power, “has produced a powerful European interest in inhabiting a world where strength doesn’t matter, where international law and international institutions predominate, where unilateral action by powerful nations is forbidden, where all nations regardless of their strength have equal rights and are equally protected by commonly agreed-upon international rules of behavior.” Isn’t this the world most decent peace loving people would want for humanity? A world where international law is followed by every nation, and where none of the great powers take rogue state-like actions (which the U.S. has many times)? Not surprisingly, this is the world that the neoconservatives decry, they refuse to believe that the international community could actually attain this kind of ‘utopian’ vision (even though their whole worldview is based upon a utopian vision). What is the neoconservative conclusion? It is that we (the United States) must go out into the world and spread our idyllic vision, via the barrel of the gun, if that’s what is ‘necessary’ (when I say our ideas I use that term loosely, considering the neoliberal ‘paradise’ that has been created in Iraq).

Bloomberg News has opined that, while there is a public perception that John McCain may be “less bellicose” than Bush, in reality McCain is as content “to stay the course in Iraq and more confrontational” on a wide array of other foreign policy matters than George W. Bush. “On Russia and China, he is clearly more hawkish than Bush” said Ken Weinstein, of the Hudson Institute. The strongly conservative Cato Institute has called John McCain’s foreign policy judgment “alarmingly bad”. And Ivo Daalder, a former National Security Council aide to President Clinton, and no dove himself, has stated, “This is a man who hasn’t seen a country he doesn’t want to bomb or invade.”

To hear McCain tell it, there is apparently no conflict situation anywhere in the world that cannot achieve a resolution by the intercession of U.S. military forces. This fervor for interventionism is a long way from the hard-headed realism of the young congressman who challenged Ronald Reagan’s decision to send peacekeepers to Lebanon by asking, “What peace?” If McCain becomes president, in addition to hostility with the Arabs and the Persians, we’d soon be at odds with the Russians as well. The G-8, says McCain, should be “a club of leading market democracies: It should include Brazil and India but exclude Russia.” McCain sees Russia as one the rogue states he’d like to transform, and a John McCain in the White House could potentially launch a plan for Russian regime change.

McCain, is currently trying to reshape himself as a ‘maverick for real change’, but he has never really been a critic of the central thrust of George W. Bush’s foreign policy worldview. He has attacked the Bush administration’s conduct of the War in Iraq, but nearly entirely on the grounds of mismanagement and errors in judgment, while remaining loyal to the neoconservative messianic project of ending all tyranny wherever it may exist globally. In fact, McCain would go even further than Bush in this regard, calling for a “rogue state rollback”; and surely everyone remembers his singing of “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran” to the tune of a Beach Boys song, in the middle of his campaign.

In the late 80’s and early 90’s McCain was trying to grease the wheels for a project of the University of Arizona to erect deep space telescopes on national forest lands at the summit of Mt. Graham. This land hosts more than 18 endangered plants and animals, the most famous of which is the Mt. Graham red squirrel, found in no other region. Mt. Graham is not only an ecological wonder, it is also a sacred mountain to the San Carlos Apache Amerindians.

In 1992, Robin Silver and Bob Witzeman went to discuss Mt. Graham with McCain in his office in Phoenix. The doctors say that at the mere mention of the words Mount Graham McCain erupted into a violent fury. “He slammed his fists on his desk, scattering papers across the room”, Silver said. “He jumped up and down, screaming obscenities at us for at least 10 minutes. He shook his fists as if he was going to slug us. It was as violent as almost any domestic abuse altercation.” Witzeman left the meeting in shock, “I’m a lifelong environmentalist, but what really scares me about McCain is not his environmental policies, which are horrid, but his violent, irrational temper. I think McCain is so unbalanced that if Vladimir Putin told him something he didn’t like he’d lose it, start beating his chest about having his finger on the nuclear trigger. Who knows where it would stop. To my mind, McCain’s the most likely senator to start a nuclear war.”
