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George W. Bush is not hated here I don’t think, as much as Tony Blair is in the UK. But Dubya basically hides here in shame, I suspect… He lives in the Dallas area I think, and so he had to speak recently alongside Barack Obama. The last he was seen in public he campaigned for his brother (and sort of his brother’s “last stand” or at least one of them, as I recall). He seems to only stick his head out when his appearance is basically mandatory. And Blair his British alter ego — that is the English nancy boy version of him — is far more public than Dick Cheney’s first; or second, deputy has ever been since his retirement.

Alex Jones admits here in this interview with Stefan Molyneux that he tried (in the past) to transcend the left and right… That’s good to hear because I seem to recall him not too long ago still trying to say that he’s not left or right. Anyway, anyone following the show over many years knows the show has changed quite markedly in the last year or two. It’s really a mean-spirited change IMHO, in the past he seemed to kind of be forwarding his agenda — not really spending a lot of time trashing anybody. Now he seems to be finding “leftists” under every rock (interesting he defends Joe McCarthy in the interview, “a good guy on a good mission whose biggest problem was only that he was a drunk” or some such, considering Roy Cohn was Donald Trump’s mentor and AJ’s candidate that he would like McCarthy is certainly no surprise).

Obama is a hand-picked CIA grown and nurtured president! As Wayne Madsen has reported his mommy and step-daddy killed Indonesian “communists” (at least anybody actually rather quite broadly suspected as such). The other day I think that he (Alex Jones) had Angela Merkel, who leads a center-right party in Germany that has long been associated with the Catholic vote in that country, as part of some configuration of “leftists” that he was reviling. In the past I’ve heard him describe the Queen of England as a “leftist”! The Queen as well as the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (aka “Windsor”) House of royalty are well-known supporters of the Tory party! Praising Joe McCarthy methinks actually says a lot about the present (mental) state of Alex Jones!

The more that comes out about Ted Cruz, and his father’s history the more he looks like complete and total establishment, and not one big “Christian radical maverick/iconoclast” or whatever he fancies himself as. The CIA was ahead of the curve (prepared for the future world/America it seems) on something at least. Having minority “kept individuals” — or perhaps better to say “lab grown individuals”, haha — to release on the public as “outsider candidates” in presidential elections!

Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley thinks that these things are done in pairs, and he thinks Deval Patrick was “the spare” had something gone awry with Obama. If any enterprising researcher wants to start checking out Patrick, there’s probably all sorts of dubious connections/skeletons there!

The spare in this instance might be a white male though, if we put stock into what Ben Sasse told his college chums/acquaintances. That he would in fact be the 45th president! And he may been the first I think actual Republican elected official that said unequivocally that he wouldn’t be voting for Trump.

Although it does indeed seem, at least from the MSM rumblings, that it might be Paul Ryan who the establishment tries to bring in as “the knight on a white horse” or some such at the GOP Convention at the eleventh hour….

Donald Trump wasn’t for peace with Iran. He was in lockstep with the lobby on the Iran peace deal, in fact. He’s not for Israel/Palestine peace, he’s for the status quo it sounds like from what he’s said. Of Israel given carte blanche by the US to maraud the Palestinians essentially. And furthermore, I would even think that he’d be closer to George W. Bush than Barack Obama on US/Israel relations. Obama in actuality is moderately less pro-Israel than Dubya, and he has a personal animus with Bibi Netanyahu. (I think that it’s been far overstated/overblown of how Obama is allegedly “anti-Israel”.)

I must admit though that I haven’t followed many of Mr. Trump’s polices, and indeed I’ve stopped listening to anything he had to say after about a week of his campaigning. That would stun me however to learn that he is in fact a peace candidate.

Barack Obama had said more than few times fairly recently I believe that his mother was allegedly a secular humanist. And moreover, Obama has even spun his own mother’s secular humanism in such a way that she appreciated something of value in all of the world’s religions. I consider myself to be an agnostic actually, I’m not sure what all the qualifications are to be a secular humanist. I’m not actively pursuing a membership in it though, haha.

Secular humanists however are probably more commonly people who put virtually no stock at all in religion (consider it as superstitious hogwash), and so Obama has spun his mother’s alleged lack of belief into essentially that although she did not believe a single one of them (religion), she appreciated all of them. A very crafty maneuver, indeed, I’d say in order to not rankle the dyed-in-the-wool religious in this country into thinking that Ann Dunham was the worst kind of godless heathen. Instead, she’s the best kind of one (godless heathen), at least according to Barack Obama’s rendering of his now sainted mother’s past — that is!

This was an excellent segment from Friday’s Democracy Now. Michael Eric Dyson is the Obama apologist on the show. Many of the charges he has no answer for. Pretty much anything that Barry and Holder punted on, he excuses by that they were already facing a shitstorm (from reactionaries and racists) as the first black officials in their positions. We should be happy with what they have done, says Dyson because look at how much small-mindedness and racism they have faced allegedly because of it.

It’s my position that no matter what Obama did, he’d face virtually the same from the groups that he’s gotten shit from. Those groups have won, by him being a total corporate/Wall Street/corporatocracy puppet! I thought the idea of electing a black president is that he can do the same job as someone of any other race? Michael Eric Dyson says no.

It would certainly appear that old theory of you broke it, you bought it is still alive and well in Iraq. And not only that, however, but I think Barack Obama’s invasion of Libya is not receiving, and has not received sufficient credit for inflaming tensions in the Middle East. One side of the Middle East was inflamed by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, and another flank of the region has descended into disorder/chaos thanks to “good old” NATO and Barack! Of course, some have theorized that this is the point exactly, to descend the entire region into just this type of disarray and discombobulation essentially — and terror as well. Perhaps a part of the plan for Greater Israel? Perhaps if Arab nations internal squabbles are too great, then there’s no capable Arab leader in that instance of standing up to the imperialists’ designs?

Whatever the case may be America and the West certainly broke it. The bought it aspect I suppose can definitely be brought into question by many critical observers. The Oded Yinon plan is certainly a favorite among many such observers. Perhaps, we’ll just have to wait and see in the forthcoming months, and perhaps even years ahead of us of what takes shape, however, precisely and specifically throughout the region though.

“The world has lost one of its greatest visionary writers—and one of my favorites from the time I was young. A representative voice for the people of the Americas.” – Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the United States

“In spite of… oppression, plundering, and abandonment, we respond with life. Neither floods nor plagues, famines or cataclysms, not even the eternal wars of century upon century, have been able to subdue the persistent advantage of life over death.” –  Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 1982 Nobel Prize for Literature Laureate

The Epoch Times printed an essential read/brilliant article on the late Gabriel Garcia Marquez today. It demasks/demystifies the sweet nothings that Obama uttered upon the man’s passing. Obama is “center-lefter” much in the mold of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair; that is, of course the kind to stab one’s own most avid proponents in the heart — or at best at least give them a little bit of massah’s crumbs! A man of the people, firebrand, or one of great concern for the “underbelly”, “the lumpen”, or the “hoi polloi”, I think that the answer to that one has to be affirmatively: no.

Anyway, the author of the Epoch piece, Dr. César Chelala, talks about the honor he had to be quoted in one of the late Marquez’s exceptional articles. An article that focused on two main motifs: the first being the abusive relationship of the big industrial powers and Latin American, and the second being the condition of human rights on the continent. Marquez also spoke about the deaths of two strong populist leaders that haunted him in this article that of Jaime Roldós Aguilera as well as that of the Central American General, Omar Torrijos. John Perkins revealed in his voluminously selling Confessions of An Economic Hitman that both had been taken out by what Perkins described only as “jackals”. That the United States government did not give these “jackals” its full, total, and utterly comprehensive approval — to do their worst kind of savagery, would certainly suspend the belief of anyone, or at least any acute observer’s mind! (Perkins confirms in his book that the deaths were for all intents and purposes CIA-conducted assassination jobs.)

Marquez in his article also bemoans the bloodshed of three civil wars — of people’s attempts to shake up the oligarchical status quo, in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala. Where according to Marquez the death toll of these wars amounted to some 100,000 souls (in comparing this loss to a similar one hypothetically taking place in the US it would be/extrapolate out to 1,600,000 human beings dead!). In summation of the article, Dr. Chelala I think has pinpointed a critical divergence in character and indeed in the quality of the individual in the sitting American president, versus that of the late but great and much celebrated Columbian author. Chelala offers up this piece of wisdom on what made the essence — indeed, the very marrow of the bones — of the laudable Gabo, “…the best way to honor the memory and keep the legacy of one of Latin America’s greatest writers is not only to remember the literary man, but also the man who always expressed his concern for the dispossessed of the earth.”

Obama has never apologized for any of the multitude of coups d’etat, or diverse crimes against humanity that occurred by United States during the Cold War to our southern neighbor. And furthermore, Obama has also during his presidential regime/reign abetted two coups d’etat in Paraguay and Honduras, and is; in fact, currently working through what Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has described as “[a type of] unconventional war that the US has perfected over the last decades” to bring to fruition a regime change against the Bolivarian socialist state! Considering that one of Obama’s favorites has left this earthly dimension, it seems only natural to consider what his vanilla, lackluster, and uncourageous statements might be being thought of by the man who they were directed towards. Comments that, of course, ostensibly would warm the cackles of his admiree’s (otherworldly) heart. The comments in fact, however, are probably only leaving him wanting for more of an American president — with a stern and a resolute backbone, and indeed empathetic core though.

Do we have a dictator in America when we ponder Barack H. Obama? Well, he has thrown out the Constitution when it comes to war and civil liberties! Also he tortured Bradley Manning, the NSA is now an American Stasi (started under Bush), and he has retained the US concentration camp Guantanamo Bay. Once again started under Bush, and most of the crimes against humanity there were perpetrated under George W. Bush; however, I believe that some — if not many — are still going on there, although the media has lost all interest in the goings on at that place. The airport pat downs and body scanners are also questionable in their constitutional legitimacy, another practice brought in under the previous cabal/administration, but continued on under the Obama group.

Obama has also killed two American citizens with no due process Anwar Al-Awlaki, who many said was working with the CIA, as well as unconscionably his sixteen year old son (Abdulrahman). Additionally, Obama also campaigned that he was going to have one of the most transparent governments ever, and in fact he has had one of the least of them! Moreover, Obama has led an unprecedented war against whistleblowers, by using an antiquated WWI law, the Espionage Act, a record six times to prosecute government officials suspected of leaking classified information. In this he has, of course, once again shown his true iron-fisted/authoritarian colors! Indeed I even have to wonder if the Palmer Raids may be coming again for outspoken and “subversive” Americans any day soon now?! Perhaps, akin to the way that Obama “wiped the streets clean” in using a “firm hand” in callously and indelicately dispersing Occupy Wall Street! Another dictatorial move/machination against one of the utmost American of rights, that being, of course, the freedom to assemble! And something that the US State Department even readily lambasts (innumerable) foreign governments for acting in disrespect of!

Obama talks about the rule of law and he even lectures other countries on it (international law among other things), the man spent time as a constitutional professor/scholar! I don’t think that he’s read it (the Constitution), this quasi-dictator/authoritarian ruler that we have in Amerika called Barack Obama! Just as George Bush said, “If this were a dictatorship, it’d be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator.” Barack H. Obama the 44th American “President” would certainly appear, in a man that there was such great hope in — so sadly, to have many of those same megalomaniac and even regal/royalistic tendencies coursing through his veins, though, as well also.

With Skull and Bonesman John Forbes Kerry at Secretary of State, and Obama’s coterie of “humanitarian” interventionist hawks, circling like blood discovering great white sharks (or piranhas), around our dearest president. It’s a wonder that the bombs aren’t already dropping in the Arab Republic of Syria. Nonplussed by the Islamist, Al-Qaeda, and otherwise jihadist ranks, that are rallying against the government in Syria, which according to the reputable Jane’s Review represent nearly half of all of the opposition forces to the Assad government; the West (if by the West we mean solely the United States and the French Fifth Republic this time around) still appears to be chomping at the bit for more “obligatory” war, and further “critical” national destruction. And so unequivocally, this begs the question if “non-moderate” elements can be sidelined in post-Western intervention Syria — no-fly zone or not — where chaos could certainly potentially reign, for a good deal of a while thereafter.

And indeed Libya, like Iraq, is certainly another case in point that has exhibited no singing tomorrows, and exuberant galas that are imbued with sweets and roses, at the prospect of the end of the Qaddafi-led Al-Jamahiriya revolution. A revolution rather unceremoniously 86’d in favor of a weakened central state government (of which had provided the highest standard of living in all of Africa). And moreover, Islamist vigilantes — and even lesser ethical groupings — currently roam the country which; of course, can hardly register any positive points in favor of a stellar, and worthwhile victory in that nation.

The West unabated, however, looks poised to continue on in seemingly uber-adventurist, and indeed George W. Bushian “cowboy-esque” escapades and machinations. Under the deleterious yet debonair Obama who, unequivocally, hails from America’s illustrious Second City, and not the wilds and hinterlands of the Texas countryside where rolling in the muck, mire, mud, pig droppings, earth and hay with rural dogs — as well as engaging in the “high falutin'” praxis of clearing brush — suffice as more than palatable (and indeed quite pleasing and immensely satisfactory) joyous entertainment! Not to revert from the main crux of the argument here though, America seems to be of the mindset to simply “get the baddy/baddies out”, and be damned with what will happen — in the aftermath — to a given nation’s people! And so it’s still, “don’t mess with Texas!” for certainty, although now of course we’ve got a president from the South Side of Chicago.

And not to mention culture, infrastructure and the positive elements that have pre-existed NATO/US bombings in these countries! Indeed, that is to say countries that the US has been wantonly, and enthusiastically bombing, since the advent of the Bush and Obama cliques! Nations that have built up development, whether it be the Western ideal of it or not. And moreover, oft-times in cases of illicit aggression — the “exceptional superpower”, has even inveigled so-called coalition of the willing countries into partaking in its: ill-conceived, ill-begotten, and indeed ill-drawn up diabolical machinations, ungrounded fantasies, naive/child-like ambitions/delusions, and “just” wars! But as is often said if the thing that one has a track record/experience in — or is adept in the use of — is a hammer then, in that case, apparently everything looks like a nail! And furthermore, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it is another idiom that, I think, could clearly be applicable in this case too! Although, one that the Pentagon and “humanitarian” interventionists — and others — circling around (and indeed cozying up to) President Obama don’t seem willing, or able to take sincerely to heart or mind at all!

A profound reassessment of this have hammer, use as if (virtually always) hitting a nail strategy, seems certain to be in need of review: to deeply drill down sufficiently into the roots, origins and impetus of such autistic thinking! In fact, this is so in order to determine if this bellicose strategy is being used in the laundry list/palate of war and peace options immensely more so, unequivocally, then it rightly should be. This type of reflection upon imperialist/hegemonical policy seems few and far between, and indeed should take a great rising up by the 99%, or aggressive campaign of the common people. More still it should take the welling up of the masses against the incorrigible elitist warmongers, and their military-industrial complex backers from reverting back — seemingly reflexively again and again — to this facile, markedly execrable, as well as undeniably ill-thought out, and eminently reckless policy/program! As the old Marvin Gaye song goes, “War is not answer.” Or how about the wisdom of an insightful activist patch that originated in the 1960s, “War is not healthy for children and other living things.”

War may make “good business” for some, but the collateral damage that ensues with each and every strike should ineluctably haunt these warmongers — assuming they are like most else and have consciences (which is unequivocally up for grabs/debate/deliberation!) — each and every hour, and for the rest of their days. Even Nobel Peace Prize winning/festooned warmongers, I dare say, shall not be free from such hauntings! And that is for certainty, if anything like karma (or what goes around comes around) should exist; I’d say, that in fact it will be the case, absolutely, without any doubt, ambiguity, misgiving, conjecture, guesswork or incredulity also.
